Q: Can I use the USBMod to communicate with another USB device without a PC?
A: No. The USBMods are slave devices which must be connected to a host PC
Q: What are the differences between USBMods 1,2,3 & 4?
A: USBMod1 is a module based on the FTDI 232 chip (FT8U232AM) and transfers TTL level serial data to the PC via USB.
USBMod2 is a module based on the FTDI 245 chip (FT8U245AM) and transfers
8bit parallel data to the PC via USB.
USBMod3 is a module based on the second generation FTDI 232 chip
(FT232BM) and transfers TTL level serial data to the PC via USB. It has an
on-board external eeprom that is used for USB enumeration data.
USBMod4 is a module based on the second generation FTDI 245 chip
(FT245BM) and transfers 8bit parallel data to the PC via USB. It has an
on-board external eeprom that is used for USB enumeration data.
Q: Can I use the USBIO24 to communicate with another USB device without a PC?
A: No. the USBIO24 is a slave input/output module that must be connected to a
Host PC.
Q: USBMOD3 doesn’t seem to be working. I connected it to my work
computer (Windows XX)USB port and the ‘Found New Hardware Wizard’ doesn’t detect it.
A: In order to make the USBMOD3 to detect under any operating system you
will need to connect some module pins to each other as mentioned in
the datasheet. Otherwise the module will appear dead, this is because
of the different powering options which can be used.
The pins which you need to connect to each other on the module are as
1.Tie EP (Pin 9) to RSTO (pin 10)
This will allow the USB MOD3 to power up and enumerate on the USB.
2. Tie VIO (Pin 12) to V+(Pin 13)
This will allow the data pins to drive out at 5V levels
3.Tie PCTL to low to operate in bus powered mode.
The device will detect after these pins are connected and the FTDI
drivers can be installed.